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Dark Lord of Kismera Launch

Saturday, July 18th was the official launch of Dark Lord of Kismera. It was held at San Ducerro Vineyards, in Yoakum, Texas. We were graciously allowed to use their winery for our event. Click here to check out their Facebook site.

There were a lot of people who came out to support me and enjoy wine, song, and comradery. The beauty of small town hospitality is that I knew many of them. I also met several new folks and hope to meet them again.

Below are a couple of pictures of some of the people who came out to celebrate with me. Rachael Foster of San Ducerro did a wonderful job setting up my book table. So pretty!!

Much is going on at the home front as well. I have a daughter going to the big town of Austin in the fall to attend University of Texas. Hook 'em Horns!! So there's packing and planning and all sorts of fun stuff. We had the orientation early in July and while I didn't get a tour of much of the campus, she did and loved it.

Mindy, Danielle, and Rebecca of The Author's Assistant are my support staff and are in Austin so I can attend to business and then go harass my daughter. I say support staff because as most writer's know this, we sometimes need someone to tell us "It will all work out" besides helping with the business part of writing.

I am also setting up a newsletter and as soon as I'm sure how to set up the link, I will post here as well.

On the horsey front, I am saying goodbye to one of the ponies. I breed our Quarter pony mare to our Minature stallion and had a nice colt, Special, who is now a year old. Bobby Sox was kind enough to foal two weeks before her due date and not deliver while I was at Writer's League of Texas conference. He will be going to live with a good friend and be a companion to him and his dog Etta. Our little Shetland mare, Bambi will go for awhile as a baby sitter until he acclaimates.

It is 100 degrees out right now so I am grateful for inside projects. As soon as it cools off a bit I plan to clean out the hen house and put fresh bedding in the nests. Got to keep the girls happy so they keep up the hen fruit production!

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